Levies are student groups who have each come to address particular needs and provide crucial services at Vic, cementing them as permanent staples of our community. Unlike clubs, all levies receive a pre-determined amount of student fees each year, making them financially and operationally independent from VUSAC.
There are currently eleven levies. You can read more about how levies are formed and how they operate in the Levy Handbook.
Additionally, each levy has its own Constitution/Operating Policy, that outlines their specific mandates. These documents exist to ensure that levies continue to provide the relevant services and fulfill their responsibilities to the Vic Community each year.
For more information, please email the Vice-President Student Organizations at vpso@vusac.ca

Acta Victoriana
Acta Victoriana is Victoria University's student run literary journal. It also happens to be the longest running university student publication in Canada! It dates back to May 1878 and, as such, has a long and rich history (which you can read up on on their website). There are two editions of the journal released annually, and free copies are available at EJ Pratt Library.
Website: actavictoriana.ca
Contact: info@actavictoriana.ca

Caffiends Café
Caffiends is Vic's student-run and volunteer-operated café! Caffiends not only educates volunteers on social justice issues and the importance of purchasing Fair-Trade, ethical products, but also fosters an intimate community where students can study, relax, and interact. Their space is located in the Old Vic building; stop by for some good times and support this unique slice of the Vic community!
Website: caffiendsvic.com
Contact: caffiends@gmail.com
Merchandise Store: redbubble.com/people/Caffiends/shop

The Cat's Eye Student Lounge
The Cat's Eye is a student-run, volunteer-operated lounge. They are located on the first floor of the Goldring Student Centre, with accessible entrances from both the Margaret Addison Hall Quad and Ned’s Cafe. As one of the most popular event spaces at Vic, as well as a favourite study and hang out spot for many students, the Cat's Eye is a staple of Vic life.
Website: thecatseye.ca
Contact: manager@thecatseye.ca

The Strand
The Strand is the student newspaper of Victoria College. With News, Editorial, Opinions, Features, Arts, Science, and Stranded (Humour) columns, the Strand covers a wide variety of current topics, with something for every student to enjoy! They also have a podcast and a magazine! Their office can be found in the Goldring Student Centre.
Website: thestrand.ca
Contact: editor@thestrand.ca

VicPride! is Vic’s LGBTQ+ students association. They strive to create spaces where people of all genders and sexualities can find comfort, safety, support, and community. They orchestrate and manage various events, workshops, community resources, support initiatives, and educational work at Vic and in the wider community. Visit their office (located within the Strand office) in the Goldring Student Centre!
Website: vicpride.wordpress.com
Contact: vicu.pride@gmail.com

The Student Projects Fund
The Student Projects Fund is a unique aspect of student life at Victoria College. With approximately $30,000 available every year, this fund's purpose is to fuel the ideas and projects of our students to improve student life here at Vic.
Website: vicstudentprojects.com
Contact: studentprojects@vusac.ca

Victoria College Athletic Association
VCAA organizes and directs the university's athletic offerings for the students of Victoria College. They also host athletic-related events and work on initiatives here at Vic. They aim to promote good spirit, sportsmanship, health, and interest in athletics at Victoria college. Their office is located in the Goldring Student Centre.
Contact: vic.athletics@gmail.com

Victoria College Drama Society
VCDS is a student-run theatre group whose roots lie in the foundation of Victoria University’s first drama society in 1918. VCDS strives to provide a forum in which students and other community members of all disciplines and backgrounds may share in the culturally enriching experience of drama. Check out this year's season and how to get involved on their website/social media channels!
Website: vcds.ca
Contact: producer@vcds.ca

Victoria International Students Association
Victoria International Students Association (VISA) at the University of Toronto is a platform for internationally-minded students to come together -- it is a place for international students to get used to the local culture, and for local students to reach out and connect with the international community.
Website: vicuvisa.weebly.com
Contact: visa.vicu@gmail.com

VicXposure aims to provide Victoria College students with the resources necessary to pursue photography and basic videography. Members can learn the basics of photography by participating in workshops, excursions, exhibitions, and photo contests; by taking part in the club’s equipment rental program; by learning to develop film in a darkroom; and by photographing events around campus.
Website: vicxposure.ca
Contact: vicxposure@gmail.com

World University Service of Canada
WUSC is a Canadian non-profit organization that works to foster youth-centered solutions for improved education, economic, and empowerment opportunities to overcome inequality and exclusion in over 15 countries around the world. Check the social media links to see what WUSC's local committee at Victoria College is up to!
Website: wusc.ca
Contact: wusc.vic.uoft@gmail.com

Victoria Black Student Network
The mission of the Victoria Black Student Network is to provide a community/forum/network to celebrate black culture and educate on black issues at Vic and within the greater UofT student body.
Contact: blvck.vic@gmail.com